General Rules:–


If a child remains absent from school for 15 days or more at a stretch without written intimation to the Principal his/her name will be struck off from the Admission Register.


It is mandatory for a student to be present on the last working day before a break/vacation or on the first working day after a break vacation. If a child remains absent on medical ground, the photo-copy of the prescription of the doctor, not below diploma qualification should be submitted along with the application at the time of reporting back to school


Compensation for any kind of damage to the school property by a student is liable to be borne by the student immediately.


The school will take all possible care for the physical fitness of the students. However, the school will not stand responsible legal or otherwise for accidents or mishaps. The school will remain indemnified against any claim on this ground


Discipline, decency and decorum should be maintained by each student. Any act of mischief, breach of rules, disobedience or dis- loyalty to the institute by the student or parents can be considered as an act of indiscipline. The school reserves the right to expel a student on the grounds of misconduct, indiscipline or disregard of the school rules and regulations.


Any sort of discrepancy, false statement or misrepresentation of facts by the parents at the time of admission, when discovered, would result in dismissal of the student from the school.


Students should not keep mobile phone or any other electronic gadget without prior permission or any cash in their possession. If found the same will be confiscated and will not be given back to either the student or parents or guardian. Disciplinary action will also be taken against the child. Parents are advised not to give any costly ornaments to their ward. School management will not be responsible for any loss thereof.


Parents/Guardians should not offer anything in cash or kind to any employee of the school. Any such incident coming to the notice of the management would result in disciplinary action against the ward.


Any change in address telephone or mobile number of the parents must immediately inform to the school authority in writing by the parents.


Parents are expected to attend all Parent-Teacher Meting. (Both parents should have to attend).


Students who are caught with cheating paper in examination will not be allowed to continue their examination. Stern action will be initiated against the child for breaching examination norms.


From time to time important information will be sent via SMS or email to the parents/guardians. Hence they are requested to check the messages/email regularly.


In order to apply Transfer Certificate, an application has to be submitted to the office at least a week in advance.


Parents are requested not to enter any classroom without prior permission of the Principal.


Children if required for contingency are allowed to make phone calls from the school.


Students should not bring any eatables in the school which is not permitted by the school authority. If a student is found with such items in his/her possession shall be confiscated and disciplinary action will be initiated against the student.


Parents can authorize maximum three more persons in the Guardianship Form with their passport size photographs and signatures as the guardian of the child.


Parental co-operation can never be overlooked. Understanding between parents and teachers is essential for the comprehensive or holistic development of the child.


Speaking in English is a 'must in the school premises.


Late comers and improperly dressed students are liable to be sent back home.


Every student must have a minimum of 85% attendance to be eligible to appear for the final examination and to be promoted to the next class.


Students must bring their diary on all working days of the school.


Parents must send home made healthy food or Patanjali items or fruits as tiffin for their wards.


Students shall be bound by different rules and regulations framed from time to time for smooth functioning of the institute.


Students must wear their school identity card every day without fail.