Mission & Vision
To ensure that a child remains 100% free from prominent behavioural vices. And being aware of the latent vices, he/she endeavours with full determination and honesty to get rid of the same so that we can take pride in saying, "We at Acharyakulam are following the path of our ancestors. All Acharyas and scholars are expected to have the attitude and values as expected from ideal angels, children of Rishi-Rishikas, Veer-Veeranganas and the greatest children of Bharatmata. We should have a strong morale against unethical conduct.
We should have the same hatred against the latent vices like desire, despair, insistence, impulse, reaction, etc. as we have against prominent vices like non-vegetarian diet, malpractices, depravity, violence, addiction, etc. We should not welcome any unethical conduct, though it is true that, our Sanskaras and Karmashaya instilled in our soul from previous lives and our attitude and nature of the present life will stand as the biggest challenges in front of us. However, with awakened conscience, firm determination and enthusiasm and with practice of yoga, devotion and such other methods we can overcome such difficulties and make our evil sanskaras ineffective.